Welcome to The Divine Timing

I am here to sprinkle a touch of magic on your transformative journey helping you bloom towards realizing your full potential and becoming the extraordinary version of yourself that you were always meant to be, through the harmonious fusion of science and spirituality.

What People Are Saying

“Feeling so calm and blissful...What a journey from disbelief to amazement!…”

How do you notice things that are unsaid? You are right when you say there is a deep rooted idea that we hold……

Priya, Croydon

“this session opened a whole new world for me…”

I came across Asha when I was actually looking for some guidance. I didn’t know what to expect, but with an open mind and positive feeling that everything is going to be alright…..

Remya, London

“It's amazing how you explain the scientific reason behind each activity...”

What a wonderful session we had today! My practical mind never thought healing sessions would actually be so helpful…..

Krishna Priya, London

“Neuroscience and NLP…”

I was astounded by the amazing session you held with the year 11 pupils last Wednesday P5. All pupils (and staff) were fully engaged and engrossed….

Lucy Assistant SENCO/ Citizenship Teacher

“much more calm and mindful about my own feelings and emotions…”

From the healing journey I have realized that I am much more calm and mindful about my own feelings and emotions…..

Love RK, London

“Neuroscience and NLP…I am really grateful…”

I am really grateful for this session. I learned a lot about how human brain works. I was thinking I couldn’t achieve things but after the session I reflected and questioned myself….

Emaan, Student Secondary School, Tooting.